I believe teaching is a skill. It comes more easily to some than others. But with time and effort, it can be developed just like any other muscle.
In a martial arts school, an instructor may be dealing with both adults and children. Sometimes, like at our school, adults and children are in the same class. This post talks about the differences between adults and children and offers a bit of advice for how to handle that in class.
Teaching a multi-level class is a skill in and of itself. Even though I have adults in class with children, I still am able to teach them differently.
- Sometimes this just means I talk slightly differently with them.
- Sometimes we use small-group activities so each group gets tailored teaching.
- Sometimes I get the adults to help the children.
- Sometimes I take a moment to give the adults a bit more information, complication, or food for thought.
I have organized my thoughts into a chart, which compares 10 areas in which adults and children differ.
Download the chart and use it to get a feel for how adults and children approach your class. Then you can begin to effectively deal with different learning styles.
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Just another way to up your skillz!! 😀
2 replies on “Learning Styles Adults vs Children”
Enjoyed the post and especially the chart. So true about the time vs. self-discipline issues!
Thanks for commenting! I see so many adults who truly desire to be good martial artists, but have trouble even making it to class some days because of work/family/etc. And so many children with such great potential who don’t practice at home. I find I get less upset about it when I expect it, which is partially how that chart came into being. Glad you found the post enjoyable!! 🙂