
Summer Deals at NWSMA!!! (2014)

arnis sticks

School may end for the summer, but sports don’t have to! Keep your kids active and achieving with NW School of Martial Arts’ summer programs, NOW ENROLLING!

Summer Special for new students! Sign up in June, July, or August 2014 to receive the following deal:

  1. Pay 2 months’ tuition up front ($69/mo x 2 mo = $138)
  2. Get a FREE 3rd month of training ($69 value)
  3. No enrollment fee but a uniform WILL be included in offer ($49 value)
  4. Former students who’ve been inactive for 6 months or more may take advantage of this offer as well. Does not apply to active students.
  5. Offer expires August 31st, 2014.
Stanwood Karate
NWSMA youth class in action!

This is an easy way to try martial arts for a short period of time to see if you or your kids like it! Make a goal together: complete 3 months of training, earn the next belt, and then decide whether or not to stay. They’ll gain self-confidence and self-defense skills, and if they want to keep aiming for black belt after 3 months, awesome!

We have:

-10 spots for 6-12 year olds. We suggest 2-3 days of training per week for beginners. Class times for beginners 6-12 are:

  • 4-5 pm Mon, Wed, Fri
  • 4:30-5:30 pm Thurs
  • 10-11 am Sat


-7 spots for 13-18 (& adults!) We suggest 2-3 days of training per week for beginners. Class times available for beginners ages 13 & up are:

  • 5-6 pm Mon, Wed, Fri
  • 6-7 pm Mon, Fri
  • 5:30-7 pm Thurs
  • 7-8 pm Fri* (*special events on 1st & last Fridays of the month)
  • 11 am-12 pm Sat


Welcome to NWSMA! We hope to hear from you soon, either by email or phone (360-629-4341).

Want more info? Check out:


Keeping It Classy: How to Quit Martial Arts (or anything else)

I’d like to share a story today. A while ago, I was hanging out between classes when a parent prompted their student to come talk to me.

“What’s up?” I asked.


“I’m going to quit Karate,” the student said.

No instructor likes hearing those words.

But, the rest of the conversation proved to me that quitting karate doesn’t have to be awkward, rude, or negative for anyone involved.

At all.

In fact, the rest of this student’s conversation with me went really well.

Click “more” to find out! 


5 Ways to Make Effort Visible as a Martial Arts Student

Guess what?


I’m not inside your head.

I know this may come as news to you! 😛 The only way I can get at what you’re thinking is through your actions.

Basically, what you do in class shows me what might be going on inside your head.

So, what does that mean for you, as a martial arts student? Read on to find out! 


Save the Date: 2014 Summer Camp!

NWSMA 2013 Camp Goofy Online

Please save the dates for 2014 Summer Camp! It will take place July 28-August 1.

We’re still working on planning, but here’s what we do know so far:

  • Students’ friends or NWSMA students who are not currently training are welcome to join us.
  • Cost is $100 for the week or $20/day–paid by July 10. Cost is $125 if paid July 11 & after. Drop-in will be $25/day. Adults will be $10/day, and team leaders can choose between a special t-shirt or $25 off your camp fee.
  • We’ll be collecting school supplies to donate.
  • The overarching theme will be countries! Activities will include coloring flags, sampling foods, and learning a bit about the countries our 3 styles come from. Friday, we’ll play “Country Jeopardy” with the information we learned throughout the week.
  • Water balloon fight, blanket forts, belt tying contest, and more!

Here are a few more photos from last year’s camp: