
What is Open Floor?

We’re trying something new this month; you may have seen it on March’s calendar, “Arnis/Open Floor.” We’d like to do 1-2 of these classes every month if the first few work out.

Open floor sessions will take place during normal class hours on Saturdays, 10-11am, and everyone is welcome at them!

The idea of open floor is kind of like a study hall. Everyone will be given floor space and time to work, either independently or quietly with a partner,  on something they feel they need to practice.

We will provide some structure. One instructor will lead a group focused on Arnis practice, but students who want to do something else will be able to.

And, unlike many a study hall I’ve experienced in public school, NWSMA will still have the same expectations for student behavior: no goofing off or standing around wasting time. Black belts will be circulating around the room to monitor, help, and answer questions, and we’re hoping that each student will be able to get some one-on-one assistance.

All we ask is for your patience as we all figure out how this is going to run, and for the students, how they will have to adjust their behavior to match a differently-structured environment than they are used to. It will be a learning experience for us all.

Hope to see you there! 🙂

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